Tagging, Exits, RCD & Thermal Imaging
Appliance Tag & Testing
Testing and Tagging helps protects the Employer in the event of an accident due to faulty electrical equipment. Employers need to take every precaution necessary to make sure they are protected should an accident occur. Accidents includes electrocution or even fires! All tests done to AS3760

Emergency exit lights
Exit lights need to be tested periodically as well to ensure they function when the power fails long enough to exit the building. The fitting location, condition and run times need to be tested & recorded as per AS2293.
RCD Testing
RCD’s (or safety switches) detects earth leakage and is designed to cut electricity of before a fatal electrocution. These devices need to be periodically tested and trip times and current need to be recorded.

Thermal Imaging
We have the latest in technology in Infrared thermal imaging equipment. A lot of insurance policies (and company policies) require that the switchboards and equipment are thermographic surveyed to identify hot spots that can cause a fire.